River Creek Health has evolved into a mission to teach individuals and groups how to become healthier so that their God given mission in life can be better fulfilled. Although I am a Christian, people of all faiths need more knowledge to take an active, not passive, role in their health care decisions.

God’s Word says “My people perish from a lack of knowledge.” This is more true today than ever before! If you are over the age of 40, do you remember children in your town with cancer, ADHD, asthma, diabetes, or autism? Probably few or none at all, but now they are epidemic.

Learn how young and old should benefit with only a few changes. Whether you learn from this website or my seminars and retreats, what you learn may impact your entire family. Turn your world around and start tapping into God’s plan for your healthy future. Starting today, you can add years to your life and life to your years!

As you take those first baby steps, share with others. Sign up for the monthly newsletter which will have clear topic labels so you can forward to a friend that might be interested in that topic, or you delete if it is not a topic of interest.