Slash your risks of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s  
    A word before we learn why it is imperative to know about Vitamin D: Often people who want to be healthier do not know where to begin. Being overwhelmed with too much information or not having the energy to search for information may deter someone who initially decided it was time to take some type of health action. My suggestion to start would be to drink healthier water …not city water. To calculate, just divide your body weight by 2 and that will be the number of ounces per day (ex.- If you weigh 150 lbs drink 75 oz per day). I would not suggest you start with this amount on the first day unless you have a catheter or depends…LOL.
    The #2 tip (pun intended) would be to poop every day. Ideally we should have a BM after each meal. However, it is not wise to get into laxative dependency. I use Vit. C Ascorbate and/or Magnesium (Natural Calm). Adequate fiber is a must. We women multitask too much and often delay going to the potty when the slight “urge” hits. Before you know it, the pipes are backed up. Just do the best you can and focus on these 2 for a month until you make a habit of being hydrated and having the minimum of one BM per day.
Another big part of the puzzle may be your Vitamin D level. Despite its name, vitamin D is not a regular vitamin. It’s actually a steroid hormone that you are designed to obtain primarily through sun exposure, not via your diet. Rather than get too technical, Vit D is fat soluble and requires cholesterol to be usable by the body. Yes, cholesterol is not the huge enemy we have been told. We need it for all of our sex hormones as well as in over 200 different reactions in our body! Anyway, it takes more than 24 hours for the Vit D to be made. In studying, I do agree that after sun bathing, we should just lightly rinse with water and save the soap for the armpits and anywhere we wipe with toilet paper (I do not mean your nose….).
Why should we care about our Vit D status?
Researchers have pointed out that increasing levels of vitamin D3 among the general population could prevent chronic diseases that claim nearly one million lives throughout the world each year. Incidence of several types of cancer could also be slashed in half. Autoimmune diseases have skyrocketed and Vit D is one part of the puzzle. Most researchers warn that even though your lab test may be “in range”, one needs to be at the higher end of the scale. Obtaining Vit D from sun exposure the way God intended is the best way, but that is not always possible. If you choose to supplement, do have a Vit D test to see where you are.
Who is more likely to be at risk of Vit D deficiency?
1- 50 or older
2-Feel “Blue”
3-Overweight or obese
4-Darker skin
5-Bones ache
6-Head sweating may be a sign
7-Gut problems (may be unable to absorb this fat soluble Vit D)
8-Sun exposure in early morning or later in the afternoon during the summer
OK….. would you say this would be a huge number of people with any of these risk factors??
Did you know that you do not obtain Vit D on many sunny days?
    Vit D is part of the UVB light spectrum. It’s very specific frequency enters the atmosphere when the angulation of the sun is greater than 50 degrees. There is a Navy website that is so cool. Just put in the date and city closest to you and it will list the angulations at 10 min. intervals. (The further from the equator, the more Autoimmune diseases such as MS.) Put your city and state in Form A.
This is awesome. I can finally be exposed to Vit D here (in NC) on March 9th from 12:20pm-12:50pm. This is only if it is not overcast during that time.
It’s estimated that over 95 percent of US senior citizens may be deficient in vitamin D, not only because they tend to spend a lot of time indoors but also because they produce less in response to sun exposure (a person over the age of 70 produces about 30 percent less vitamin D than a younger person with the same sun exposure).
On the other end of the age spectrum we lather or spray on the sunscreen starting as a baby! Although we do not want them to burn, they NEED the exposure and SAFE sunscreens (several chemicals in the popular sunscreens actually are carcinogens ….cause cancer).
If you supplement with Oral Vit D you should be taking Vitamin K2 which is important in not calcifying arteries. Most of us need supplementation in the winter months. The last link below has some information on this.
Some of the health issues that can be helped by optimal Vit D  are:
  • Cancer
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Blood pressure issues
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Reproductive system disorders
  • Kidney failure
  • Muscle weakness
  • Obesity
  • Disorders of the skin
  • Even tooth decay
  • Neurological disorders
The following website has a video and great info!
After many skin cancers, I now know that my low Vit D and all the chemicals I put on my body contributed to my skin problems. Below are links to articles you may enjoy. There will be “Cliff notes” on the right hand side. I do not doubt that God has many other good things in His sunlight. He made it…..
So start on your road to a healthier future.
What is your Vision for a healthier You?
May you be blessed with this information. Please share with someone you think may benefit.
Dr May on Vitamin D