There are many health benefits to drinking hydrogen infused water. Here are 10 of them:

  • Lowers inflammation (CRP). Inflammation is at the root of just about every disease. From heart disease to cancer, stroke to dementia, inflammation is there. Many different techniques exist to lower inflammation and we need to always look for the cause. But while we are looking and trying our best in a world working against us, hydrogen water may be the answer. Source
  • Improves blood sugar. Diabetes is a major risk factor for most diseases. It is good news that a few studies show that hydrogen water consumption improves blood sugar.  Source
  • Improves LDL. We do not need statin drugs, especially when we can improve lipids naturally and safely. Hydrogen water lowers LDL and some studies showed an improvement in HDL. Source
  • Lowers oxidized LDL. LDL is only a problem when damaged through a process called oxidation. Hydrogen water lowers oxidized LDL. This is a good thing. Source
  • Weight loss (in rodents). Although not a human trial, many people will find it welcome news that weight loss is possible by drinking hydrogen water. Source
  • Kills cancer cells (in culture dish). Time will tell if this therapy kills cancer in humans. In the meantime, I will keep drinking it. Source
  • Improves Parkinson’s symptoms. Parkinson’s and other brain diseases are linked to massive inflammation. Given the fact hydrogen water lowers inflammation, it is no surprise that humans with Parkinson’s saw symptoms improve after drinking hydrogen water. Source
  • Improved heart function (in rodents). As a cardiologist, I love to hear that heart function can improve. Although it was not a human trial, improving cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure with H2 water is exciting. Source
  • Anti-aging. Everyone wants to live longer and better. Could hydrogen water be the Fountain of Youth. Improves wrinkles too. Source
  • Improves oral health. Dental disease and periodontitis are risk factors for cardiovascular disease. You can smile knowing that hydrogen water can help the cause.  Source

An interesting interview about the benefits of hydrogen.

Should you drink Hydrogen Water?